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Fatih atsiz

A member registered Oct 28, 2021

Recent community posts

save and other keys in android are so small that they cannot be clicked.


is this game a dead game

I bought the sewer kit, what should I do now?

is this abandoned

I can't get the upgrade for the dog in the tribe village I got the upgrade from the doctor.

I can't get the upgrade for the dog in the tribe village I got the upgrade from the doctor.

my dexterity stat is 6 how do i make it 8?

Android ?

 What is the password of the CEO box?

Unlocks with fishing quest.

The task does not start when I speak. How do I start the task.

How can i start quest 16 ?

I can't open double apple task. Will you fix this in the future?

Is there a discord channel where I can post the bugs I found?

I can't open double apple task. Will you fix this in the future?

13. Görev 

13. Quest 

How does the Nature's wrath quest begin?

I am using android and the keys are not working in the game.

I don't have any places to click.


what is the solution


Even though I type the answer, the box does not open.

I have a bad english. sorry